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     FragmentWelcome to consult...fore Moses from morning till evening.
    Exo 18:14 And when Moses' father-in-law saw all he was doing, he said, What is this you are doing for the people? why are you seated here by yourself, with all the people waiting before you from morning till evening?
    Exo 18:15 And Moses said to his father-in-law, Because the people come to me to get directions from God:
    Exo 18:16 And if they have any question between themselves, they come to me, and I am judge between a man and his neighbour, and I give them the orders and laws of God.
    Exo 18:17 And Moses' father-in-law said to him, What you are doing is not good.
    Exo 18:18 Your strength and that of the people will be completely used up: this work is more than you are able to do by yourself.
    Exo 18:19 Give ear now to my suggestion, and may God be with you: you are to be the people's representative before God, taking their causes to him:
    Exo 18:20 Teaching them his rules and his laws, guiding them in the way they have to go, and making clear to them the work they have to do.
    Exo 18:21 But for the rest, take from among the people able men, such as have the fear of God, true men hating profits wrongly made; and put such men over them, to be captains of thousands, captains of hundreds and of fifties and of tens;
    Exo 18:22 And let them be judges in the causes of the people at all times: and let them put before you all important questions, but in small things let them give decisions themselves: in this way, it will be less hard for you, and they will take the weight off you.
    Exo 18:23 If you do this, and God gives approval, then you will be able to go on without weariness, and all this people will go to their tents in peace.
    Exo 18:24 So Moses took note of the words of his father-in-law, and did as he had said.
    Exo 18:25 And he made selection of able men out of all Israel, and made them heads over the people, captains of thousands, captains of hundreds and of fifties and of tens.
    Exo 18:26 And they were judges in the causes of the people at all times: the hard questions they put before Moses; but on every small point they gave decisions themselves.
    Exo 18:27 And Moses let his father-in-law go away, and he went back to his land.
    Exo 19:1 In the third month after the children of Israel went out from Egypt, on the same day, they came into the waste land of Sinai.
    Exo 19:2 And when they had gone away from Rephidim and had come into the waste land of Sinai, they put up their tents in the waste land before the mountain: there Israel put up its tents.
    Exo 19:3 And Moses went up to God, and the voice of the Lord came to him from the mountain, saying, Say to the family of Jacob, and give word to the children of Israel:
    Exo 19:4 You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I took you, as on eagles' wings, guiding you to myself.
    Exo 19:5 If now you will truly give ear to my voice and keep my agreement, you will be my special property out of all the peoples: for all the earth is mine:
    Exo 19:6 And you will be a kingdom of priests to me, and a holy nation. These are the words which you are to say to the children of Israel.
    Exo 19:7 And Moses came and sent for the chiefs of the people and put before them all these words which the Lord had given him orders to say.
    Exo 19:8 And all the people, answering together, said, Whatever the Lord has said we will do. And Moses took back to the Lord the words of the people.
    Exo 19:9 And the Lord said to Moses, See, I will come to you in a thick cloud, so that what I say to you may come to the ears of the people and they may have belief in you for ever. And Moses g"};



